Who is Eligible for the Basic and Housebound Level of Veterans Pension Benefits?: Aid and Attendance FAQ
Posted in Uncategorized on April 7, 2016
Tags: aid and attendance, FAQ, tips for seniors, veterans, veterans benefits
The Aid and Attendance pension benefit actually has three tiers to it. The Aid and Attendance (A&A) benefit is the top tier, but there are two other benefit tiers that a veteran may be eligible for depending on their situation. Here is what you need to know about the Housebound and Basic levels of pension Read More »
Medicaid or Social Security and the Aid and Attendance Benefit: Aid and Attendance Benefit FAQ
Posted in Uncategorized on March 17, 2016
Tags: aid and attendance, FAQ, tips for seniors, veterans, veterans benefits

Can a veteran and/or spouse be receiving Medicaid or Social Security, or even both, and still receive the veterans Aid and Attendance pension benefit? The short answer is yes, but there are some details you need to know. Social Security A veteran or spouse, or both, can be receiving Social Security and still qualify for Read More »
What are considered assets?: Aid and Attendance Benefit
Posted in Uncategorized on March 15, 2016
Tags: aid and attendance, FAQ, tips for seniors, veterans

In order to qualify financially for the veteran's Aid and Attendance pension benefit, a veteran or surviving spouse (or the both of them) need to have assets less than roughly $80,000 to their name(s). Note that the $80,000 figure is a rough estimate and there can be instances when this value is higher. Because there Read More »
How Pets Can Help Combat PTSD
Posted in Uncategorized on March 14, 2016
Tags: military, ptsd, tips for caregivers, tips for seniors, veterans

Transitioning back to civilian life can be a complicated process for a veteran. He or she is, of course, happy to return home and no longer be in active danger, but many find it difficult to talk to friends and family about the things they have seen or done. Some may find that the life Read More »
How to find a Veteran's Discharge Papers: Aid and Attendance Benefit FAQ
Posted in Uncategorized on March 2, 2016
Tags: aid and attendance, FAQ, tips for seniors, veterans

One very important piece of information that is key to a complete Aid and Attendance benefit application are the discharge papers (DD-214) for a veteran. Even if it is the spouse of a veteran applying for the benefit, the discharge papers are a necessity. So where do you find discharge papers? The best place to Read More »
Help Military Veterans Today with our VeteranAid.org Postcards
Posted in Uncategorized on February 29, 2016
Tags: aid and attendance, military, tips for seniors, veterans, veterans benefits

Want to know an easy way to help our military veterans? Order some of our VeteranAid postcards to hand out to your clients at your business or organization today! VeteranAid.org is a website that was designed to inform veterans and their spouses of a little known pension benefit called Aid and Attendance (A&A). Every bit of Read More »
How to Find (And Get) the Best Military Discounts
Posted in Uncategorized on February 24, 2016
Tags: tips for seniors, veterans, veterans benefits

Many retail businesses, restaurants, and service industries like to show their appreciation to active members and veterans of the U.S. military by offering discounts on their products, either on a daily basis or on special holidays. However, how exactly do you go about turning the promise of a discount into a reality at the cash Read More »
How does the Fiduciary Process work?: Aid and Attendance Benefit FAQ
Posted in Uncategorized on February 11, 2016
Tags: aid and attendance, FAQ, tips for seniors, veterans, veterans benefits

Question: How does the fiduciary process work for the Aid and Attendance veterans benefit? First and foremost, the fiduciary and applicant (the veteran and/or veteran's spouse) do not start the fiduciary process until the VA has ruled the applicant needs to appoint a fiduciary to manage the Aid and Attendance application. Even if the veteran is Read More »
American Veterans Aid Business: Don't fall into this Scam
Posted in Uncategorized on February 8, 2016
Tags: aid and attendance, tips for seniors, veterans

Have you heard of “pension poachers” trying to take advantage of our nation’s veterans? This news segment that aired about VeteranAid.org explains a bit more about them: (http://www.firstcoastnews.com/story/news/local/consumer/on-your-side/2015/11/11/veterans-claim-they-paid-hundreds-to-get-free-benefit/75594220/). Veterans and their families are being taken advantage of by companies like financial planners and elder law attorneys trying to illegally charge veterans. VeteranAid.org stands by Read More »
American Veterans Aid Business Reviewed: Don't Let Them Take Advantage of You
Posted in Uncategorized on February 8, 2016
Tags: aid and attendance, tips for seniors, veterans, veterans benefits

Have you heard of “pension poachers” trying to take advantage of our nation’s veterans? This news segment that aired about VeteranAid.org explains a bit more about them: (http://www.firstcoastnews.com/story/news/local/consumer/on-your-side/2015/11/11/veterans-claim-they-paid-hundreds-to-get-free-benefit/75594220/). Veterans and their families are being taken advantage of by companies like financial planners and elder law attorneys trying to illegally charge veterans. VeteranAid.org stands by Read More »